Current position: Linear > Linear Guidance

Travel straight across square and rectangular fields with Irritech lateral move systems. These high-strength steel systems can irrigate nearly 100% of these fields with Guidance Systems Options.

1) GPS – Provides extreme accuracy in timing and application.

2)Cable –Assures accurate lateral movement and uniform water distribution over the entire field.

The Linear Guidance system consists of an above ground cable that is supported by a line of ¾” pipe posts. During the installation phase, there are two critical points to be observed. The posts must be located in a perfectly straight line and the cable must be properly tensioned.

3)Furrow – Uses specially designed wheels that track a V-furrow parallel to the travel path.

The furrow has a “V” shaped bottom 4” to 6”deep with a maximum width at the top of 6”. Theguide shoe should slide in the furrow at a minimum depth of 3” and a maximum of 6”.

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